If you are starting with a Grid layout in mind, load that profile and start your changes from there.

For this part, I’ll explain the fast, easy way to set up VuhDo. 7) Decide when you want vuhdo to show up like this (aka when you are solo, when you are in a 5 man, or 10, or what?) and select the appropriate check box on the right.

It’s a bit overwhelming at first but it’s got everything related to your raid frames( and even more). I use healbot and I Virtually have every spell with 2 or 3 Modifiers.

The addon automatically adjusts to whatever role you are playing.581445 (downloads) LocationPlus for ElvUI. Now there are big red Xs and green + signs on the boxes. Like when I do the Occulus I just click the pets box and it'll show the dragons/vehicle. Outside of sheer DPS increase, I also wanted to see how each addon felt to use. In this section, i'll be showing you the basics to the addon, such as how to add spells, visual ef Blizzard disabled the function for addons to target enemy units as far as I know. Check out my list here Addons for Warmane, be sure to leave a comment as well if you would please to keep it alive. VuhDo Options frame cannot be moved due to a bug introduced in 8. So, out of the box, this thing really looks like a piece of garbage. It has built-in functionality to assign different mouseover abilities with modifers (shift, control, alt, etc. The general tab covers configuration options that will usually effect all of your panels. Vuhdo is a simple addon to use, it comes included with a buff watch to tell you when people are missing a buff that you have and allows simple click healing.Various combat addons : Hunter addon : SimpleMD I also played with a similar addon, VuhDo, and came to the conclusion that which you would use would simply be a matter of personal preference.Postal (mail addon)-Prat-PremadeGroupsFilter-QE-DungeonTips (u will like this)-Quartz-RareScanner-Rarity-RCLootCouncil-Recount-Rematch-Scrap-SexyMap-ShadowedUnitFrames-Simulationcraft-Skada-TellMeWhen-ThreatPlates-TidyPlates-TomCats + Other mods for Bfa nodes-TomTom-TotalRP3-VuhDo-WeakAuras-WIM-WorldQuestList-WorldQuestTracker-XLoot-Zperl Raid frames have always been regarded as domain of addons like Grid, Vuhdo, and CT_Raid, where better customization and a better "understanding" of the players' needs shone through the flimsy SUBSCRIBE My only concern is that Vuhdo doesn’t show target of target of the tank unlike the oRa2 frame.For example, Grid shows a red dot if someone has aggro, Vuhdo puts ">" "Melee>Ranged>Healers. Vuhdo is one of the most popular raid healing addons available. So, I'm looking for a mod which will allow me to make notes about people in-game.