
Fallout 4 pip boy dark screen bug
Fallout 4 pip boy dark screen bug

I cut through the tape, unfolding the flaps to behold the beautifully designed game chest inside. Dinner finished, and the dishes washed, the box couldn't wait any longer. The original game reviews were very good, and I had wanted a Virtual Reality game for some time. The box sitting on the table tempted me all through making dinner, just anticipating what fun I was going to have made me barely taste whatever leftovers were hastily microwaved and scarfed. For once, I didn't even take the time to remove my boots as I practically skipped up the stairs into the dining room.

fallout 4 pip boy dark screen bug

It was going to be a trial by fire, but what the hell? Go big or go home, I thought, picking up the box and heading inside. Having never played any of the franchise before, I recklessly decided to go for the brand new limited-number Fallout 4 Ultimate Virtual Reality Edition. My guilty pleasure was computer games, and I finally caved in to the hype that was Fallout. Being an unrepentant and total introvert, I rarely went out. Friends and family lived far away, which made visiting difficult. Owning my own shop was all fine and dandy, but it could get lonely when all I did was work and go home.

fallout 4 pip boy dark screen bug

It was a more than welcome sight as I came home to what was otherwise going to be another uneventful weekend in an empty house. The cardboard shipping box stood propped up against the front door.

Fallout 4 pip boy dark screen bug